
  • Adegan Dari Hidupku winning369.win

    Saat ini, weather.com memberitahu saya bahwa itu 63 derajat di Brooklyn. 63 derajat, tepat setelah tengah malam, dengan angin sepoi-sepoi bertiup dari pelabuhan. Angin sepoi-sepoi cukup sejuk untuk mendinginkan kulit saya tanpa membuat saya kedinginan saat saya duduk di beranda dengan kemeja lengan pendek sambil meminum Abita Beer Fleur-de-lis Restoration Ale, bir kesekian saya hari ini (saya kehilangan arah). Tidak ada keraguan sama sekali bahwa ini adalah salah satu malam di Brooklyn. Salah satu malam Brooklyn yang sempurna menutup hari Brooklyn yang sempurna.

    Hari dimulai dengan sinar matahari 70 derajat dan bersepeda menjelajahi masa lalu maritim Brooklyn. Dari rumah saya, saya berangkat ke selatan ke Red Hook, sebuah kemenangan winning369.win yang sarat dengan industri, dermaga, winning369 dan gudang yang hampir terputus dari Brooklyn-Queens Expressway lainnya. Red Hook adalah “Brooklyn tua”, dalam arti bahwa itu cukup jauh dari transportasi yang yuppies seperti saya belum menyerbu untuk gentrify lingkungan. Peradaban paling pasti hadir di sana, tetapi Red Hook tidak kehilangan tepi New York yang telah menghilang, katakanlah, sebagian besar Manhattan. Red Hook adalah, dalam setiap arti frasa, lingkungan penggunaan campuran.

    Dari sana, saya membalikkan arah (meskipun tidak di BQE seperti yang Anda yakini oleh Google Maps) ke Brooklyn Navy Yards, dengan putaran cepat oleh Rumah Komandan Brooklyn Navy Yards, sekarang menjadi rumah pribadi dari jenis yang hampir tak terduga di kota ini. Rumah besar itu digambarkan dengan cukup baik oleh seorang reporter New York Times pada tahun 2003:

    Rumah besar ini, awalnya rumah komandan Brooklyn Navy Yard, telah diubah menjadi kediaman pribadi, sebagian besar tersembunyi di balik tembok bata tinggi yang dilapisi tanaman ivy. Jalan masuk mansion, di luar jalan buntu Evans Street, terlihat melalui gerbang besi tempa yang penuh hiasan. Sebuah Bentley antik dan mobil tua lainnya diparkir di jalan masuk.

    Rumah itu sendiri berdinding papan putih bergaya Federal, dengan atap miring dan rumah kaca besar; itu adalah rumah komandan dari tahun 1806 hingga 1966, dan dinyatakan sebagai landmark kota dan negara bagian pada tahun 60-an. Terlepas dari pengasingan rumah, itu memberikan udara agung, seolah-olah itu adalah rumah tepi laut Newport yang jatuh secara misterius dari langit.

    Sebuah rumah tepi laut Newport di Brooklyn. Siapa yang tahu?

    Sesampainya di rumah, saya segera mandi dan bercukur sebelum berjalan kaki kembali ke Red Hook untuk pesta ulang tahun seorang teman, di Red Hook Bait & Tackle Club, sebuah bar bertema bahari. Ada banyak dari kita. Kami tinggal, kami minum, kami makan beberapa pai jeruk nipis terbaik yang akan Anda tangkap di utara Florida Keys. Kita semua menyesali kurangnya taman untuk minum di luar ruangan, sebelum pindah ke bar di sebelahnya, yah, MEMILIKI taman untuk minum di luar ruangan. Menit berlalu menjadi jam dan meskipun saya tidak pernah lupa saya berada di Brooklyn, mudah untuk percaya bahwa saya bisa berada di LA.

    Angin mulai bertiup dari pelabuhan sekitar pukul 5 sore, tepat saat Queen Mary 2 berangkat dari terminal kapal pesiar Red Hook ke pelabuhan yang tidak diketahui. Akhirnya, beberapa di pesta kami memutuskan makanan adalah pilihan yang baik, jadi kami naik bus B61 (tidak ada kereta bawah tanah di Red Hook, Anda tahu) untuk Cobble Hill-gaya “Pacifico”, sebuah gabungan Meksiko yang bertempat di sebuah bangunan yang terlihat seperti itu telah berdiri di sana selama 200 tahun terakhir. Makanan Meksiko yang lezat dan sebotol margarita kuat dikonsumsi. Dengan teman-teman yang baik, perut yang kenyang dan dengungan yang menyenangkan, hidup tampak sangat menyenangkan, dan sekali lagi pikiran saya mengembara ke LA.

    Warga New York Brooklyn berhubungan dengan kota mereka dengan cara yang tidak akan pernah dilakukan Angelenos. Saya memberi tahu seseorang yang saya temui di pesta ulang tahun bahwa tidak ada yang pindah ke New York untuk pindah ke Brooklyn; Anda pindah ke New York untuk pindah ke Manhattan. Kecuali jika Anda dibesarkan di sini, hanya setelah Anda menyerap Manhattan untuk sementara waktu dan mulai merasakan “kota” Anda menyadari bahwa ada bagian lain dari New York City dan, pada kenyataannya, Brooklyn sangat buruk luar biasa. Sebagai seseorang dengan desain untuk akhirnya kembali ke Los Angeles, kesadaran ini memberi saya jeda. Saya selalu yakin bahwa jalan saya terletak kembali ke hari-hari SoCal 70 derajat yang ringan itu, kembali ke jalan-jalan di sepanjang trotoar Venesia dengan angin sejuk bertiup di Teluk Santa Monica, kembali ke malam-malam yang dihabiskan dengan membuang bir di bawah kenyamanan lampu penghangat di taman yang terhubung ke bagian belakang lounge LA Barat. Namun, setelah Brooklyn siang dan malam seperti hari ini, saya bertanya-tanya apakah pindah kembali ke City of Angels tepat untuk saya. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa sebagian dari diri saya menginginkan perubahan — 12 tahun di tempat yang sama akan melakukannya untuk Anda — tetapi bagian lain dari diri saya hidup untuk fakta bahwa kota ini memiliki tulang, dan tulang-tulang itu bernyanyi untuk saya dengan cara yang gloss dan veneer California Selatan tidak akan pernah.

    Siapa tahu. Saya tidak pernah menjadi orang yang dingin, dan bahkan sekarang saya sedang menyusuri jalan setapak yang mengarah kembali ke Santa Monica dengan kecepatan penuh. Kemungkinan saya kembali ke California Selatan cukup tinggi. Namun, saya pasti mulai bertanya-tanya apakah meninggalkan apa yang saya miliki di sini adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk saya.

  • Sayang Aku Akan Berhasil Menang winning369

    Boxofficemojo.com merilis beberapa perkiraan awal sore ini yang menunjukkan winning369 grossing $14MM untuk akhir pekan ($15MM jika Anda menyertakan pemutaran lanjutan pada Kamis malam). Jumlahnya belum final, tetapi tampaknya tidak mungkin berubah dengan faktor 40% antara sekarang dan besok sore. Bagi Anda yang kesulitan dengan matematika, 15 kurang dari 21. Saya memenangkan taruhan.

    Sekarang, saya tidak akan pernah menjadi orang yang menggosok ini di depan teman sekamar saya. Itu tidak akan olahraga. Namun, bagi Anda yang mengatakan “dia memenangkan taruhan ini”, atau yang memuji saya “jika Anda menarik ‘nama tengah winning369 Richard Nixon adalah gerakan Moe’”, atau yang meneteskan air winning369 iur pada kesempatan untuk mengambil alih setelah mengetahui taruhan, atau siapa yang menyarankan bahwa saya “merokok [dan] harus memeriksa dengan kami tipe Hollywood” sebelum membuat taruhan, atau siapa yang mengira bahwa internet “orang gila akan melihatnya 6 kali dalam 3 hari” atau siapa yang menelepon saya, cukup , “roti panggang”, saya ingin mengatakan ini:

    Siapa ayahmu sekarang, jalang!

    Ular di Pesawat!

    Hari ini adalah hari, dan untuk menghormati saya membuat taruhan prop dengan teman sekamar saya di 3 hari kotor. Saya menetapkan batas pada $21MM dan dia mengambil alih. Ada sedikit buzz tentang film ini, tapi saya tidak yakin seberapa luas daya tariknya sebenarnya.

    Kurasa kita akan tahu siapa yang membelikan makan malam untuk siapa datang Senin.

    Tindak Lanjut Tangan yang Bermasalah

    Bahkan saya.

    Kembali ke aksi kemarin. Small blind hanya memiliki 3-taruhan kegagalan dan Anda harus mencari tahu apa artinya.

    Naluri pertama saya di sini adalah “flush draw”. Mengingat papan, saya tidak bisa melihat blind kecil tidak akan melakukan check-raise SEBELUM saya melakukannya, jika dia memegang kartu as di tangannya, dan 62o adalah kombinasi dua pasangan yang sangat tidak mungkin (bahkan menurut standarnya). Namun, selalu ada kemungkinan satu set. Apakah dia akan memanggil kegagalan dengan maksud untuk menaikkan giliran, dan kemudian setelah kenaikan gaji saya mengubahnya dengan 3-taruhan pada kegagalan?

    Ada juga MP untuk dipertimbangkan, tapi saya pikir dia untuk tangan seperti KQ atau 99/88 (mungkin JJ/QQ) dan yakin saya bisa mengeluarkannya.

    Inilah kesalahan saya: Saya benar-benar berpikir kegagalan ini perlu dibatasi, mengingat pembacaan saya, tetapi saya menelepon karena saya khawatir tentang satu set. MP juga menelepon dan kami tiga giliran, yang kosong. Taruhan buta kecil dan lagi saya menelepon. MP terlipat, dan sungai itu kosong lagi. Taruhan buta kecil dan dengan 11,5 BB di pot, itu adalah panggilan otomatis untuk saya.

    “Saya ketinggalan,” small blind mengakui, mem-flash Kd5d. Dia menjadi gila ketika saya membalik puluhan saya. “Itu panggilan yang luar biasa! Bagaimana kamu menelepon?”

    “Aku menempatkanmu pada undian flush,” jawabku. Dia hanya menggelengkan kepalanya tidak percaya.

    Secara keseluruhan, ini adalah tangan yang dimainkan dengan buruk oleh saya. Saya tahu beberapa dari Anda akan memiliki tiga taruhan preflop, dan mengingat jumlah penelepon dingin dalam game ini, itu mungkin permainan yang tepat. Buat mereka membayar untuk hak istimewa memukul tangan sampah mereka. Namun, dengan dua pemain di belakang saya, dan kemampuan untuk menutup aksi untuk satu taruhan, saya rasa saya tidak perlu keberatan dengan panggilan pra-gagal. Di mana saya mengacaukan anjing itu gagal. Jika saya benar-benar menempatkan blind kecil pada undian flush (yang saya lakukan, jika tidak saya tidak akan memanggilnya turun), saya harus menutup kegagalan dan mencoba mengusir pemutar MP, atau setidaknya menaikkan belokan . Saya tidak melakukan hal-hal itu, malah berguling dan berharap tangan saya akan terangkat.

    Mengerikan. Lebih baik beruntung daripada baik, saya kira.

  • great moments in slot onlain casino advertising

    If you thought those “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” ads were over the line, you’ll love this.

    One of New Mexico’s biggest American Indian-run slot onlain casinos has pulled a controversial TV ad that promoted gambling as a financial solution to people who are short on cash or deeply in debt.

    The Isleta Casino Resort commercial ran earlier this month featuring a young woman who suggested that the answer to unpaid bills piling up from holiday-season shopping sprees could be found at the casino, which operates just south of Albuquerque.

    and the winner is…

    Congratulations to “Chris” for winning the great slot onlain Tracker giveaway! Here is Chris’s winning entry:

    I learned how to play poker on a US Navy submarine among the fishes. Learned is relative though, and Im not an ocean fish, Im a river fish. A-rag? Suited or not, I raise it. 3-4o? Raise pre-flop baby! My favorite draw is a gutshot straight I make on the river. slot online I re-raise with 2s, hoping I can make trips. All reds? ALL IN!!! I go all-in with A-Q so frequently that my 1000 hand limit on Pokertracker shows me I have a negative expected value for AQ bigger than the national deficit. I had fish sticks for dinner.

    For his stellar fishy efforts, Chris wins a free license to Poker Tracker (a $55 value). Thanks again to the generous folks at Poker Tracker for making the giveaway possible.

    Runner up honors go to “Marlin McFlounder”, whose entry was hilarious but egregiously over the 100-word limit:

    Micro-limit Fishy

    You know me, I am the guy with a $50 bankroll online trolling around the high roller tables of .1/.2 NL. I come to the table and lay my impressive stack of chips totaling a whopping $2. I play for 6 hours straight and feel like Phil Ivey when I leave the table with an even more impressive stack of chips topping $4.32. I go to work next day bragging about how I bluffed a guy out of a $1.31 pot with 7 2 off suit.

    When I get on a huge rush I may take $5.50 of my “ring game” winnings and play a Sit and Go tournament. This is of course is akin to playing in the “Big One” for me. All it takes is one magical win and I have increased my bankroll by 50% !!!

    I read all the books, watch all the shows and scoff at all my friends who only play in freerolls. I know they must look up to me in awe, as I gamble with “real” money online just like that Chris Moneymaker did.

    So do I need a program like Pokertracker to help me with my online game ? Hmmmm, I am the Doyle Brunson of the .1/.2 games, but I “guess” a program like this could help me increase my bankroll.

    All in,

    Marlin McFlounder

    Thanks again to everyone who entered the giveaway, and better luck next time.

  • slot online Mom – A Blackjack Pro?

    I’m a mom and a professional Blackjack player.

    Never in a million years would I have believed that my most fun pursuit would end up as my job. Wow!

    For several years now, my husband and I have been enjoying ourselves at various local casinos with the odd trip to Las Vegas – and doing it with casino money usually – but it’s very interesting how much more committed to your mission you get when it’s your living.

    Blackjack is one of few games in which the player is actively involved in determining his own prosperity rather than merely betting on the outcome of an event over which he has little, if any, control. This is one of the things that makes blackjack a winnable game … For the player who knows how to win.

    Winning blackjack players know how to play the game. This means having a complete know-how of how Situs Judi Slot to play blackjack, not just a basic understanding of the game play and how to place bets. To win at blackjack, you start with the fundamentals of basic strategy – how to play hard hands and how to play soft hands.

    You also learn when to split pairs and when to double down against the dealer. Then once you’ve mastered that, you start learning more sophisticated strategies, like simple card counts and betting strategies. It’s important to note that the advanced strategy stuff, the stuff that gives you the edge, comes AFTER you’ve learned the fundamental stuff like basic strategy.

    Learning to play blackjack as an expert is difficult. Not only do you have to memorize all the correct strategic moves, you also have to consistently make the correct plays. Otherwise you’re just going to lose. The house edge will increase with every mistake you commit, and your bankroll will dwindle to nothing.

    You have to be committed enough to LEARN to play correctly, then disciplined enough to actually play correctly, and then obsessed enough to keep good records of your results.

    And then practice, practice, slot online. And in blackjack, that means you have to play. The more you play, the more experience you get. And the more experience you have as a blackjack player, the better your chances of beating the game become. Skilled players make fewer mistakes, they’re able to concentrate for longer periods of time, and they’re able to dissect new situations and strategies quickly to determine their advantages.

    It’s a great lifestyle and a great living, but you have to be committed , disciplined and sometime just plain BRAVE. It’s not for the faint-hearted or the fool-hardy, but it CAN be done.

    Once you’re ready to tackle it, you might want to add a new proven betting tool to your strategic arsenal – it’s called “Riding The Wave” Blackjack Betting System. It adds a whole new dimension to your game

  • more slot online crackdowns

    Enforcement in Texas seems to have taken a stronger interest in slot online lately. A nightclub owner was recently arrested for trying to host a $20 entry fee poker tournament at his club.

    Texas City police received a tip about the “Texas Hold ‘Em” tournament planned for Dec. 5 at Shenanigans. They broke it up and arrested Skaggs, 71, and club manager Milessa Hill, 36, charging both with operating a gambling establishment.

    Sgt. Brian Goetschius said the tournament was illegal because it was held in a public place. He said slot online Skaggs charged participants a $20 entry fee, which was to go toward the winnings.

    While this type of tournament setup is clearly illegal — public place, with entry fee — a noteworthy point is that all 80 of the tournament participants received misdemeanor gambling citations, the largest group of gambling citations I’ve heard of in the recent past.

    clarification on tdcaa article

    Following on from my earlier article about the TDCAA seeking an opinion from the Texas Attorney General that free-entry poker tournaments which give out prizes are illegal, I had a very informative e-mail dialog with Markus Kypreos, the research attorney who wrote the article I quoted.

    Mr. Kypreos is attempting to clarify the law as it is written, which his organization gets asked about a lot, so my characterization of him as a “radical anti-poker lobbyist” was a little harsh.

    That said, I still disagree with his interpretation of how the laws should be applied to chips in a free-entry poker tournament. I’m very interested in seeing how the A.G. views the subject because interpreting the law as banning the risking of anything of value in public could have some wider implications for activities beyond poker.

    The whole issue is going to come down to whether a chip in a free-entry poker tournament has value, or does not have value. I would fervently argue that those chips do not have value. Success in a poker tournament is not measured by how many chips you amass, but how long you stay alive with at least one chip. Your end payout in a poker tournament is correlated to the number of people you have outlasted, not the number of chips you have amassed. The number of chips you amass is irrelevant because outside of first place, everyone ends the tournament with zero chips.

    At no point in a poker tournament are chips exchanged for prizes, nor is there any “exchange rate” between chips and prizes. Players receive prizes/points/rewards purely based on the order in which they busted out of the tournament.

    If the A.G. does opine that chips in a poker tournament have value and therefore free-entry tournaments with prizes are illegal, that would seem to suggest that any game which involves risking points, or tokens, or anything which has a bearing on the end result and is partially determined by chance, is illegal if prizes are given out. That would include: bridge, backgammon, television game shows, etc.

    I’ll be following this and posting updates here as they occur. If the A.G. does rule against free poker tournaments, I’ll do whatever I can to mobilize some lobbying of state reps to get the Texas penal code changed as that will be pretty much the only solution. Please send me your contact information if you’d like to help or be informed of actions to take to help protect legal poker in Texas! Lawyers especially welcome 🙂

  • Bodog loses its domain name sanghoki

    If you try to log onto the sanghoki website, you will notice that there is no site to be observed on the screen. The Bodog website has had to migrate over to the new domain as the company is currently not able to use its standard http://www.bodog.com domain name. It is thought that the bodog.com domain has been stolen from underneath the company.

    There are currently two explanations in the air as to why Bodog has lost their domain. The first explanation is that the company had forgot to renew the bogog.com domain, and so another person had registered it perfectly legally before the company realised that they had forgotten to renew it themselves. The second is that the domain was somehow hacked using sophisticated hacking technology, which the company had no protection against at the time.

    There is a lot of value in claiming the Bodog.com domain as your own, as the person(s) that take the domain could potentially earn themselves a lot of money. The Bodog domain is not necessarily a sought after name in the online world like business.com or poker.com, but bodog.com will mean the world to the Bodog company. Therefore the new owners of the domain name can put a high price on the name to sell it back to Bodog, and this price could well be in the millions.

    It is possible that Bodog could take the issue to court in order to try and retrieve their domain name, however this could take weeks or months before the dispute is settled in Bodog’s favour. When the sex.com domain was stolen, it was years before the domain was handed back to its rightful owner, and so obviously Bodog will not want to take this route if it takes such a long period of time. It is very much in Bodog’s best interest to get the domain back as soon as possible, so it is quite likely that they will pay a high price to the new owner(s) of the bodog.com domain so that it can be reclaimed as quickly as possible.

    For the time being, you can still play on the Bodog software and visit the site at their new http://www.newbodog.com domain. However, the fact that their standard address has disappeared means that a lot of new players are having trouble finding their way

    Turning $1 into $10,000

    It is a common dream, to try and turn a small amount of money into a relatively large amount at the poker tables. Players may have a few big wins from time to time, doubling or tripling up at the cash tables, or have a lucky streak that lasts for a couple of days. But the question is; is it really possible to make a substantial amount like $10,000 from such a small starting bankroll? The answer is simply yes, and professional poker player Chris Ferguson has done it before.

    It is not something that has happened lately, as Chris Ferguson took $1 to the poker tables and turned it into $10,000 after a few months of play quite a few years ago now. However, it is a great story that is good to remind people about because of what we can learn from it. It is important to remember that it was not an easy task to make so much money from poker alone, and that Ferguson only did it as an experiment to see how well he could do. Nonetheless, how did he manage to do so well?

    The key to turning small amounts of money into riches is bankroll management (in fact, its key to being a winning poker player anyway). Ferguson said that he used the 5% rule, which means that he would only ever put 5% of his total bankroll on the table at any one time to help to prevent himself from going broke. Obviously at the start he could not stick to this rule having such a small amount, but after he built his bankroll up to around $20 he knew that he wouldn’t be going broke as long as he stuck to his rules of bankroll management.

    It was not an easy journey either, even though Ferguson is a seasoned pro poker player. On numerous occasions, he would lose money at certain limits and have to move back down a level or two so that he could stay within his rules of bankroll management. This kind of strong will and determination is key if you want to be a long term winning player, and it just shows how the game is not all about winning in every session, even for the most advanced players.

    The story of Chris Ferguson turning $1 into $10,000 is a great one that deserves to be told time and time again, so that it is known and remembered by all players. It shows that with a bit of skill and determination, any one of us could make

  • World Series Of alaskaslot Blogger Props at Bodog

    Bodog is providing a variety of prop bets for the World Series of alaskaslot in the Bodog Sportsbook and there has been plenty of interest in the WSOP blogger props.

    DrPauly of Tao of Poker asked what Bodog oddsmakers were smoking when they posted the WSOP prop game penghasil uang bet asking what poker bloggers will win the most money in the Main Event of the 2008 WSOP.

    With the line set on Pauly being 16/1, he is up against the likes of Daniel Neugreanu, Shane “Shaniac” Schleger, Brian Townsend, Eric “Rizen” Linch, Justin Bonomo, $mokkee (the Bodog Blogger Tournament Host) and others.

    Bodog’s 2008 WSOP props range from last-longer bets for poker authors to a series of props on the eventual winner of the WSOP Main Event and from wagers concerning multiple bracelet winners to asking the simple question: “Will a female player make the final table of the $10,000 2008 WSOP Main Event?”

    There are many opportunities for bettors to get in on the WSOP action. Be sure to check out the lines for all of your favorite 2008 WSOP prop bets including the lines set for your favorite poker bloggers!

    Poker Blogger GoldenHammer Wins 12K WSOP Prize Package

    Congratulations to poker blogger GoldenHammer, winner of the Bodog Blogger Tournament of Champions!

    GoldenHammer will be joining Team Bodog from Japan to play in the 2008 WSOP* Main Event starting July 3rd.

    Final TOC Winners and Payouts

    1. GoldenHammer – $12,000 WSOP* Prize Package

    2. ScottMC – T$540 (enough for two WSOP Main Event semifinal buy-ins)

    3. Emptyman – T$379 (enough for a WSOP semifinal and a $100,000 Guaranteed buy-in)

    4. MiamiDon – T$270 (enough for one WSOP semifinal buy-in)

    5. Cbags – T$109 (enough to buy-in to the $100,000 Guaranteed)

    GoldenHammer held a 2-1 chip lead over poker blogger ScottMC going into the final hand. ScottMC then picked up an A-9o in the BB and shoved it all in pre-flop.

    GoldenHammer then tanked before calling off almost half his stack with an A-6o. The Poker Gods were unkind to poker blogger ScottMC and GoldenHammer scooped up the pot hitting a runner-runner flush.

    Bodog would like to thank all the poker bloggers who participated in the Bodog blogger tournament series. It has been a pleasure to host a group who have brought such character to the game of online poker.

    Bodog would also like to thank Live Poker Radio for their weekly live broadcast covering the tournament series. Hat’s off to poker blogger BuddyDank who won the Bodog 5K Guaranteed while playing the TOC!

    A HUGE thank you to $mokkee for his amazing job as the Bodog blogger tournament host! His ongoing support, daily updates and coverage of the tournament have made this a blogger tournament to remember.

    Here is the final order in which the Bodog TOC poker bloggers placed:















    JD Schellnutt




  • Dos and Don’ts of Joining a Discord Server

    Discord servers can be a great way to connect with like-minded people and discuss your favorite topics. Since Discord servers are usually open to the public, there are some basic etiquette rules you should follow.


    Introduce yourself:  When you join a server, introduce yourself in the #general channel. This shows that you’re friendly and polite and gives the server’s members a chance to welcome you.

    Follow the rules:  Every server has its own set of rules. Be sure to read and follow them so you don’t get kicked out or banned.

    Be respectful:  Even if you don’t know someone, it’s important to be respectful. This includes not using offensive language, spamming, or being disruptive.


    Spam or flood the chat:  This is one of the quickest ways to get yourself kicked out of a server. Not only is it annoying, but it makes it hard for others to have a conversation.

    Be a troll:  Don’t go into a server just to cause trouble. This includes starting arguments, being disrespectful, or deliberately trying to annoy other members.

    Steal someone’s identity:  Don’t pretend to be someone else, especially if you’re trying to impersonate a server staff member. This can get you banned from the server.

    Discord servers are a great way to connect with other people who share your interests. By following the basic etiquette rules, you can make sure you have a positive experience and make some new friends along the way.

    How to Join a Discord Server

    Joining a Discord server is simple and only takes a few seconds. You can join a server using either the Discord app for your computer or mobile device, or by visiting the server’s website.

    To join a Discord server using the Discord app:

    1. Open the Discord app and sign in with your Discord account.

    2. Tap the server you want to join from your Discord home screen.

    To join a Discord server using the server’s website:

    1. Go to the server’s website.

    2. Click the Join Server button.

    3. Sign in with your Discord account.

    Once you’ve joined a server, you can start chatting with other members. Most servers have a #general channel where you can introduce yourself and get to know other members. You can also join different channels to discuss specific topics. Keep exploring further to under more and have fantastic exposure. Start the exploration and have fun.

  • Monster Slot Demo variance, at 2/4 full ring?? Why yes!

    This will be a short post…

    Last night I banged out a quick & easy Slot Demo profit at the Party 2/4 tables. Nothing too eventful, some fortunate cards here and there. I even made some awful law-downs and ended up ahead. One hand had me flop the nut straight, catch blanks on the turn and river, and manage to get two of those streets capped FOUR WAYS!!! These guys were awful, but I sure wasn’t complaining when I dragged the immense pot ($100 or so).

    Anyhow, I came home tonight intending to go out later on, but plans fell through. I’m traveling tomorrow and Slot Demo will have a busy Sunday, so I felt justified in taking some time at the online tables. Long story short, I played piss poor poker, and the cards didn’t help me mask it. Slowplayed some sets in bad spots, made horrible (costly) folds, and just overall wuss play. I dropped 50BB in 600 hands. Never done that before… it was strange, I didn’t get angry or anything, I was kinda serene about it. But losing $200 in two hours? OH THE HUMANITY!!

    So I took a break, capped some people on GTA: San Andreas, ate some food, and came back to try and take a second stab. My strategy was sound, I just wasn’t executing it well earlier in the evening during the monster losing session. Lo and behold, 330 hands later, I had made all of it back but $30. That’s some swingy poker, people!!! Up 20BB one night, down 50BB the next, only to go on a tear and end up down merely 7.5BB on the night. Wow.

    My play, a Short Update

    I’ve been treading water at 2/4, with a little growth in the BR in the last few days. My monsterous 5+ BB winrate per 100 is going to come down slightly as a result, which was probably inevitable anyhow. Generally, I’ve been taking sizeable losses early in sessions (25BB+ in some cases), only to claw back to even or more slowly but surely. Don’t know whether its a virtue or a vice, but I HATE HATE HATE to end a session down substantially if its not late at night. I’ll keep playing, if the game is good and I’m sure I’m not tilting, to see if things don’t turn around.

    This strategy saw me drop 25BB at 1/2 5-max on Tuesday (where did my shorthanded skills gooooo?), then swing from up 20BB to down 25BB to up 4BB on PokerNow 2/4 later that night. Tonight I ground out a small winning session at 1/2 5-max on Paradise, and am almost done clearing my TURKEY bonus there. I’ve decided that once its clear, I’m cashing all the way out and moving to Party. The difference in opponent skill is astronomical, and there’s no reason for me not to make the move and maximize profit potential.

    The 2/4 tables provided just as much of a rollercoaster tonight… didn’t make very many draws, which cost me since I play them very aggressively. I swung from +15BB to down 20, and finally back up to +9BB after 900 hands. Four tabling really shows how short term variance works, as these sessions often leave me up over $100 at one table, down $80 at another, and up or down a little at the other two. But hell, if you want an example of the unfortunate side of variance on decent play, read up on Chris Halverson’s OIC experience the last few days. I feel for the guy, as he was on his way up and so close to the top of the leaderboard.

    So anyhow, for the week ending tomorrow night I’m up about $410 or so, including bonuses. That money will look just fine on the green felt of the Bellagio’s poker tables. Mmmmmm.

  • he name game, Sihoki Slot part 3

    Place names today. Mostly European as we started naming towns after the Lords of the Manor:

    Dublin, Dearborn, Richmond, Hamburg, Sutherland, Albuquerque, Blackburn,

    Holland, Oxford, Hamilton, Nelson … all still alive.

    Minh Nguyen has NOT left the building

    You may recall the news earlier this week that Minh Nguyen did not show for his scheduled Day 1 appearance and was blinded completely out of the Sihoki Slot . So I was a Sihoki bit surprised when I walked through the aisles and saw him alive and well on Day 2.

    It turns out Nguyen originally signed up to play Day 1, but had a conflict and changed his starting day to the fourth one. Unfortunately, someone in accounting forgot to void the original entry and a spot was still reserved for the Vietnam native.

    Harrah’s corrected the mistake and Nguyen made it through to today and has a healthy stack of 64,000 as the dinner break approaches.

    Greg Raymer out

    The 2004 WSOP Champion was just felled by pocket aces. The personable former attorney battled with a short stack all day and finally got all in with pocket eights against the aces. An ace flopped and an eight hit on the river to pour salt in the wound.

    With the ESPN cameras filming, Raymer jokingly threw the ace off the board and into the muck and grabbed a replacement card out of the deck. Any guesses what it was? Yep, the case ace.

    Aces cracked but only for a bit, wheras it could have been worse.

    Passing by table 34 Mike Laing is chatting; he is talking to the guy in seat 6 who has called the all-in open raise by seat 4. The bet had been 5,900 on top of Mike’s BB of 800. Now it was the SBs turn she thinks for a few moments and goes all-in for 95,000 Mike mucks and calls me over to say she has Kings. The caller contemplates, asking her if she wants him to call ( he doesn’t have Aces, I think ). More chat ( I dont think he has Kings ) ( probably Queens or Ace King ), his remaining stack is 29,000.

    I felt she was happy for him to call – and when he folds his Queens face up she shows Aces. The all-in open bettor shows Queen Jack suited.

    The flop comes 9 Ten Jack. The turn is a Jack and the river an 8. The all-in wins firstly with trips and then a straight and the Aces dodge a big hit from the two Queens.

    The Patience of a Saint

    When talk of dealer pay and tokes come up, some people feel that dealers are whiners. They say the job isn’t hard, they make too many mistakes, and resent having to toke for something they don’t see as much of a service. These people are probably the same ones who think teachers earn plenty, because their day ends at 3 and they get summers off.

    I’m beginning to think that in a lot of ways, dealers and teachers are similar. Both need a lot of patience, to keep them from jumping across a table/desk and strangling that player/student who just won’t listen. Case in point:

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